

Columbia University, New York, NY (2021-Present) Link

  • Master's in Computer Science (Software Systems Track)

  • Coursework

    • Distributed Systems - Golang, Consensus Protocols
    • Parallel Functional Programming - Haskell
    • Programming Language and Translators - C/C++, LLVM
    • Database - MySQL, PostgreSQL
    • Cloud Computing - AWS, NodeJS, ReactJS, Python - Flask, Microservices, Middleware

National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan (2016-2021) Link

  • Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering (GPA: 3.79/4.3)

  • Bachelor's in Computer Science and Information Engineering(Double Major)

  • Coursework

    Computer Systems
    • Computer Networks - Socket Programming, Video Streaming Server with OpenCV (C++)
    • Computer Networks Lab - iptables, tcpdump, DHCP, Software-defined Networking
    • Systems Programming - Unix Programming (IO, Files and Directories, Signals, Threads)
    • Operating Systems - Implemented system calls with MIT xv6
    • Computer Architecture
    • Big Data Systems
    • Multimedia Security
    Image Processing
    • Digital Visual Effects - HDR, Tone Mapping, Camera Calibration, Image Stitching...
    • Image Processing - Intensity Transfomration and Spatial Filtering, Color Image Processing
    • Computer Vision - Thresholding, Morphology, Texture, Image Segmentation
    • Data Structures And Algorithm
    • Algorithm Design and Analysis
    • Information Retreival
    • Formal Languate and Automato Theory
    • Digital Speech Processing
    Math Courses
    • Calculus
    • Probability and Statistics
    • Linear Algebra
    • Discrete Math
    • Complex Variables
    • Differential Equations



  • C/C++, Java, Python, Haskell, Golang
  • Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Solidity, HTML, css


  • OpenCV, Pillow, Pandas, NumPy, Flask
  • NodeJS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, AWS, GCP
  • ReactJS, BootStrap, Material UI
  • Google OR-Tools, Simulink


  • UNIX/Ubuntu/Linux, Git, Software-Defined Networking (Ryu SDN Framework), LaTex, AutoCAD, Fusion360


  • Fluent in Mandarin and English

Honors & Awards

  • Dean's List (GPA in top 5% of the department): Fall 2016 & Spring 2017 Semesters
  • Trading Strategy Competition for Cryptocurrencies @ NTU's Big Data Systems Gourse: Third Place (2021)

Professional Experience

1. (May. 2022 - Aug. 2022)

Software Development Engineer Intern

  • Designed a solution to improve a manual and time-consuming data manipulating process that exposes the team's cloud resources.
  • Introduced an asynchronous workflow to validate the success of requests for the data manipulating process.
  • Implemented a Spring Boot based web application with Java and JSP, protecting the team's cloud resources with program access control.
  • Created the request validation workflow by setting up a cronjob that sends email notifications about the success of requests.
  • Devised an error classification mechanism that reduces engineers' effort to troubleshoot failed requests.

2. Columbia Build Lab (Sep. 2021 - May. 2022)

Full-Stack Software Engineer

  • Worked in a startup company that builds a mobile‐first website for better in‐person and contactless dining experience.
  • Implemented the front‐end with React.JS, the back‐end with Node.JS, Express.JS, and deploy the website on AWS EC2.
  • Created the website’s database with MySQL and hosted it on AWS RDS. Designed and integrated the payment flow with Stripe.

3. Dr. De-Nian Yang's Lab @ Academia Sinica, Institute of Information Science (Jan. 2020 - Mar. 2020)


  • Optimized a view-synthesizing program and developed a video streaming server for a new cache management research
  • View Synthesizing frame rate lowered from 0.35 sec/frame to 0.06 sec/frame
  • Developed a video streaming server that converts frames from YUV to RGB space with NodeJS and Python.
  • Developed an automatic video streaming quality analysis (PSNR Calculation) program with Python, generating data for the experiment

4. Wiwynn .Co (Jul. 2019 - Aug. 2019), Link

Software engineering intern

  • Collaborated with engineers of the lab automation department to develop programs for product quality checking
  • Designed computer vision and signal processing based programs with Python to detect errors in screenshots of oscilloscopes
  • Eliminated the process of checking oscilloscope screenshots of products manually

Research Experience

1. Internet Research Lab @ National Taiwan University (Sep. 2019 - Present) Link

Undergraduate Researcher, Advised by Prof. Wanjiun, Liao

  • Researched solutions for blockchain’s scalability problems(focuses on layer-2, sharding and DAG-based solutions)
  • Formulated a semi-layer2 blockchain protocol of high transaction rate
  • Implemented the proposed blockchain protocol with Python

2. Image and Vision Lab @ National Taiwan University (Sep. 2019 - 2021)

Undergraduate Researcher, Advised by Prof. Ming-sui (Amy) ,Lee

  • Focused on traditional image and signal processing (Signal and Systems, Fourier Transform...)
  • Devised a bokeh simulation program for mobile devices with image matting, segmentation and filters with Python(OpenCV, Pillow...)
  • Cooperated with otolaryngologists to perform analysis on the correlation between sound and pressure for patients with Python
  • Proposed and implemented an image recoloring procedure with Python for color correction of biopsy image based on coloring theory and digital image processing to enhance the accuracy of identification of eosinophil

3. Intelligent Robot Lab @ National Taiwan University(Sep. 2018 - Jan. 2019)

Undergraduate Researcher, Advised by Prof. Li-chen Fu

  • Learned how to set up ROS (Robot Operating System) in Linux environment.
  • Run a QR code tracking program on Pioneer P3-DX robot.

Selected Projects


Course: Multimedia Security (2021 Spring)

Skills: NodeJS, ReactJS, ZoKrates, Shell Script

  • Developed a web application with JavaScript for customers to trust lottery system of a store with zero-knowledge proofs
  • Generated zero-knowledge proof with ZoKrates, a toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum

Wifi Scanner,

Course: Computer Networks Laboratory (2021 Spring)

Skills: NodeJS, ReactJS, Chart.JS, Linux

  • Managed a team of 3 to design a Wifi Scanner to optimize personal hotspot and choice of WiFi access point
  • Acquired WiFi information with UNIX system calls, parsed the information with shell script and performed analysis on the data
  • Displayed WiFi information and control panel of WiFi hotspots in the browser through JavaScript(Chart.JS), saving users the trouble to interact with the system

Decentralized Application: My Sprout Farm,

Course: Networking and Multimedia Experiment (2020 Spring)

  • Led a team of three to design a blockchain-based decentralized sprout growning game with NodeJS and Ethereum smart contract
  • Produced different looks of sprouts through OpenCV and Python with the sprout DNA produced by the smart contract

Real-time Video Chatroom,

Course: Introduction to Computer Networks (2019 Spring)

Skills: NodeJS, Internet Protocols, OpenCV

  • Built a P2P real-time online video chatroom deployed on Heroky with WebRTC and JavaScript
  • Devised additional features for the chatroom(private messaging,snapshots...)with NodeJS.

Optimization of Base Stations’ Arrangement with Gene Algorithm

Course: Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Networking (2019 Spring)

  • Developed a MATLAB program that optimize the arrangement of base stations.
  • Created a MATLAB program that evaluates the performance of different base stations arrangements.

Extracurricular Activity

  • National Taiwan University Wind Orchestra, Principle Trombone (2018)
  • National Taiwan University Wind Orchestra, Event Coordinator (2018)
  • Robotics for Future Industrial Application @RWTH University of Aachen, Summer School Student (2018)
  • Department Woman Basketball Team, Player (2017)
  • NTU Mechanical Engineering Camp for Kids, Volunteer Worker (2017)